Lesson 3: Pinch Monster


Pinch Method: Monster

Time:  2-3 Classes    |    Supplies:  1 lb of clay, ceramics tools    |    Utah Stds: 

Students Will Be Able To

  • Sketch ideas before working with clay
  • Shape clay using the pinch method
  • Add details to make bowl look like a monster
  • Add features to complete monster construction


  • Students will use  the pinch method  to create a clay monster. The monster will need to have eyes, teeth, mouth, horns, and any other feature they design


  • Sketch: Students will create a visual representation of their idea before being allowed to use clay. 
  • Ball of Clay: Students will create a ball of clay about the size of a tennis ball.
  • Cut it in Half: Using the metal kidney tool, students will then cut the clay in half.
  • Make it into a bowl:  Students will insert their thumbs into the middle of one of the halves of clay. Students will then press their thumb towards the finger to open the bowl and to thin the walls. 
  • Form: Make the opening of the bowl into the mouth of the monster by turning the bowl on its side. From this point on you can add details as required for the assignment. 
  • Details: Some details should be be following
    • Eyes, nose, mouth, ears
    • Hair, scales, scabs, moles 
    • Emotions, Happy, angry, frustrated
  • Drying: Bowl should dry undisbursed for about 5 days. 
  • Firing: Firing the bowl in the kiln will take 24 hrs, to fire and cool down
  • Glazing: After firing the bowl in the kiln students will glaze it with at least 2 colors applying 2-3 layers of glaze.
  • Firing Again: Firing the bowl in the kiln after glazing will take another 24 hrs, to fire and cool down.


  • Make sure students are fidgeting with the clay for too long. The more they handle the clay, the drier it will get and the harder it will be to work with it. 


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Brief Intro

My name is Jonatan De Oliveira and I am an art teacher at a middle school here in Utah. I teach a variety of mediums, which gave me experien...